The 3DQ lab technologists process DICOM data sets to produce Curved Planar Reformations, Maximum Intensity Projections, and Volume Rendered images for clinicians and surgeons.

These images depict a normal variant of the Renal Arterial blood supply, where instead of one artery per organ, there are multiple arteries supplying the individual kidneys. This occurs in 20-30% of the population. Along with the main arteries, there are accessory arteries which are sometimes called Aberrant or Extrarenal arteries. The renal arteries normally derive from the abdominal aorta, although accessory arteries can arise most commonly from the left side of the aorta, and can originate as high as the diaphragm, or as low as the Internal Iliac Artery. Accessory arteries can enter the kidney at alternate locations instead of at the expected Hilum. Alternate sites of origin include, but are not limited to, areas such as :

  • Celiac Trunk
  • Common Iliac arteries
  • Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Arteries

Attention to variations of the renal arteries is increasing due to the proliferation of renal transplants, nephrectomy and resection procedures, vascular reconstructions, as well as hypertension reduction research studies.

The grayscale animation below depicts a MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection) movie, while the color animation below is a VR (Volume Rendered) movie.

The image below is a Volume Rendering of normal renal anatomy. Note the single arteries supplying each kidney.

Rossi Patrick
3DQ Technologist