The Purpose of Quality Control (QC) in a 3DQ Lab setting is to minimize human errors. By doing this you effectively improve productivity and overall efficiency.

In our Lab we have implemented a program with the following criteria:

  • Managers along with Technologists that exhibited low repeat/error rates are eligible to QC all protocols including those with measurements.

Peer review (QC) of cases without measurements is based on the following criteria:

  • Technologist has processed at least 10 studies of the protocol being QC’d.
  • Technologist has no errors/repeats on the last 5 exams of the protocol being QC’d.
  • Technologist must have processed at least 1 exam of the protocol being QC’d in the last 12 months.
  • Exams can only be assigned a repeat/error by a Manager. Cases in question require Manager over read.

To reduce our repeat rate we have implemented the following:

  • One on One Training
  • PACS Review Sessions and Focused Training Sessions
  • Attending Conferences
  • Attending Read Out Sessions with Radiologists.

The QC checklist below is a guide for anyone to use when performing QC on cases processed in the 3DQ Lab:

Linda Horst