Aortic Major Diameters Comparison
Case of the Month, Chest, Techniques
The pictures above are measurements done by Stanford’s 3DQ Lab and are taken from one patient’s CT scans over a 3 year period. It shows an aortic dissection that becomes aneurysmal. An aneurysm is defined as an abnormal bulge of…

Coronary Aneurysm
Case of the Month, Chest
67 year old male with severe three-vessel coronary artery disease with occluded native Left Anterior Descending aorta and Right Coronary Artery. Both images display the Left Main Coronary Artery with a small aneurysm (12mm). The proximal…

Anomalous Coronary Origin
Case of the Month, Chest
70 year old female with incidental finding of a single coronary artery that bifurcates to supply blood to the right and left sides of the heart. Image A is an oblique slab MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection) displaying a single coronary…

Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries (MAPCAs)
Case of the Month, Chest
One-day old female with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs), a rare type of congenital heart defect. Normally, the pulmonary arteries pump blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation. In the…

Transposition of the Great Arteries (D-TGA)
Case of the Month, Chest35 yr old, male with a history D-TGA (dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries) sometimes also referred to as complete transposition of the great arteries, which is a birth defect where the large arteries of the heart, (aorta and pulmonary…

Coronary Bypass Surgery
Case of the Month, ChestWhen blood is unable to flow easily through the arteries of the heart, one may need to undergo coronary bypass surgery. The surgeon must bypass the obstruction since it cannot be dissolved or removed. Bypassing the blockages will supply the…

Calcium Scoring
Case of the Month, Chest, Techniques46 Year old male with a family history of (CAD) CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE presenting with chest pain. A CT scan was performed to measure the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. Upon post processing of the calcium score on a sophisticated software…

July 2017 – Abnormal vs Normal Pulmonary Arteries
Case of the Month, Chest
View #1 (arrow 1) above shows a total blockage of the right upper pulmonary artery in a curved planar reformat (CPR) on the left and volume-rendering (VR) on the right.
View #2 (arrow 2) above shows a severe narrowing/stenosis…

June 2017 – Bland-White-Garland Syndrome (ALCAPA)
Case of the Month, Chest
A 38 year old female presented to the emergency department for increased shortness of breath and dry cough. The patient had a history of congenital heart disease during childhood, reactive airway disease and seasonal allergies. A CT Coronary…

March 2017 – Airway Stenting
Case of the Month, Chest
69 year old male with follow-up airway stent placement. Airway stents, also known as tracheobronchial prosthesis, are small tube shaped devices inserted into an airway used to treat narrow or weak airways and a variety of large airway…

February 2017 – Aortic Surveillance
Case of the Month, Chest, TechniquesCross-Section:
VR Movie:
70 year-old male has an aortic dissection that begins in the Ascending Aorta and extends along the Aorta involving multiple abdominal and pelvic arteries along the course. The video with black/white image…

December 2016 – 3D Printed Aorta for TAVR
3D Printing, Case of the Month, Chest
This 3D printed model (Figure A) was created using a Computed Tomography (CT) scan of an 89-year-old patient with a history of severe aortic stenosis, now being scanned for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) evaluation. Figure…

September 2016
Case of the Month, ChestA 64 year old male with hypoxemia (low oxygen level in the blood). The CT result shows as:
Acute pulmonary artery embolism (a blockage of an artery in the lung) spanning the right and left pulmonary arteries. Occlusive lobar thrombus (blood…

August 2016
Case of the Month, Chest24 year old female with symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). The symptoms for TOS include but are not limited to pain, loss of sensation, and muscle weakness in both arms and shoulders. This patient also has a history of thoracolumbar…

July 2016
Case of the Month, ChestThis 14 year old male was found to have an enhancing tangle of abnormal vessels on the medial aspect of the right upper chest. This is also know as an AVM (ArterioVenous Malformation). An AVM is defined (by brainavm.uhnres.utoronto.ca) as: A…

March 2016
3D Printing, Case of the Month, ChestPrinting 3D models improves communication between radiologists, technologists, surgeons and patients and their families by allowing for tactile interaction with the anatomy and increased understanding of the relationship between anatomical…

February 2016
Case of the Month, ChestMale, 59 years of age with no family history and no symptoms, came in for a follow up calcium score scan. A non–contrast CT (Cardiac Gating) scan was performed. Green represents the calcium in the left main coronary artery, red represents…

August 2015
Case of the Month, Chest3D opaque and transparent volume rendered images show the complete spine of a 4 year old female with a thoracolumbar kyphoscoliotic curve consistent with mucopolysaccharidosis. Mucopolysaccharidosis (types I-VII) are a group of metabolic disorders…

July 2015
Case of the Month, Chest5 month old with a congenital aorta abnormality, a double aortic arch. The right arch is larger than the left, measuring 6.5 mm, compared to the left, which measures 2.5 mm at it’s narrowest. The vessels which feed the right side of the body…